Do you suffer from neck pain? Do you have numbness or tingling in your hand? You may suffer from or been given the diagnosis of one of the following: repetitive use injury, bulging discs in your neck (cervical radiculopathy), Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel or Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? You may have pronator teres syndrome or a nerve impingement at more than one place.
These problems can come from the neck, shoulder/chest, elbow, forearm or wrist.
The most common cause of numbness or tingling in the hand is from the shoulder/chest (thoraic outlet syndrome). Thoracic outlet syndrome is when the pectoralis minor muscle or the anterior scalene muscles impinge upon the brachial nerve. Lengthening and stretching these muscle with orthopedic massage therapy will eliminate that problem.
If the source of pain is at the elbow it could be tennis elbow, golfers elbow or cubital tunnel syndrome. There are specific tests to make a correct assessment. Treatment is quick and effective.
If the source of pain is in the forearm you may have pronator teres syndrome, a resistance test will confirm that. Again this problem is easily and efficiently treated.
If you have a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, that also, can be treated quickly.